Bereavement Services in Surrey
Here at The Lucy Rayner Foundation, we specialise in bereavement services that provide practical support and advice for families bereaved by suicide. The loss of a loved one is always painful; however, studies show that for families affected by suicide, the feelings of grief can be especially complex and difficult to navigate.
When someone decides to take their own life, it can often come as an enormous shock, even to the people closest to them. The aftermath of suicide bereavement can feel overwhelming; however, it is important to know you are not alone and that there are people and organisations here to support you. Our suicide bereavement service is here for you and will provide a safe space for you to talk about your feelings, free of any judgement. We can also help you connect with other families who have shared experiences.
Bereavement and Suicide Bereavement Support
Suicide is the main cause of death in the under 35’s in the UK, with 5 young people on average taking their lives each day. Each death has a ripple effect that touches countless other people, which is why specialist support is essential to help families move forward.
The Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service gives families in the Surrey area affected by suicide short, medium and long-term support to help them come to terms with their loss. The entire team has lived experience of suicide bereavement so can approach your situation with an un-learnable level of empathy and understanding. The support is tailored to each family’s unique circumstances. We will just be a listening ear if this is what you require and are always happy to come and visit you in the comfort of your own home.
Complete our Online Referral Form
Although our regular counselling service is only available for young adults aged between 14 and 39, we can offer counselling to anyone of any age if you have been referred via our Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service. Please fill out the form and we will be in contact with you shortly.
Losing a Loved One
There is no right or wrong way to grieve, however, we believe that with the right support system, families and individuals affected by suicide can come to terms with their loss in a healthy way that aids them moving forward in their lives.
We offer practical support in the aftermath of a family bereavement, which can include dealing with authorities, coroners’ inquests, financial worries, media intrusion and returning to work.
Our team can also help connect you with other families who have gone through similar experiences, which can be a source of comfort and support for the future.
What will this service offer?
- In the short term the service will help the family deal with the immediate situation that the death of their loved one has caused. We will review the welfare of the family and provide support and advocacy as needed
- In the medium term the service will support the family to begin to grieve. If one to one counselling is needed or family therapy we will support the family to access this
- In the long term we hope to ensure that the family is in a position of supporting each other and that they have all the resources they need to help them in the years to come. If yourself or someone you know has been bereaved by a loved one, take your first step and contact us today. We will contact you within 48 hours
Frequently Asked Questions
The Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service supports anyone who has lost someone within Surrey.
No, we offer any advice, guidance, help, advocacy and can sign post you to other organisations we work closely with if we believe that you will benefit from a method of support that we don’t offer. We can also facilitate home visits.
There is no age limit.
Yes, we pride ourselves on working collaboratively with other services and organisations local to us. For example, we work closely with Surrey police, Survivors of bereavements by Suicide (SOBS) and Southern rail network.
We operate with no waiting list; a member of staff will be in contact within 48 hours.
Get in Touch
If you are looking for suicide bereavement support groups and have been researching bereavement services near me, you can contact The Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service directly by calling 01737 886551. Alternatively, email us at and we will do our best to respond within 24 hours.